Who is Hisoki?
name; Hisoki - Japanese, meaning "secret"
gender/pronouns; male/he-him
Hisoki has always been a very curious Jakutian. Since he has never actually seen anything before finding sight, he’s always wondering and asking what things look like, though this gets annoying to most other Jakutians. This in turn makes Hisoki very stubborn and hot-headed, making him come of as rude or insecure. Insecurity is what Hisoki struggles with a lot, even after finding sight, since he never even knew what he looked like before then, and he feels as if no one else likes him (which isn’t true).
Being as curious as he is, Hisoki developed incredible research and learning skills, which makes him the ideal candidate to ask if you need help with something academic. Being blind most of his life, he is also very aware of his surroundings, constantly listening and feeling for danger or something new to discover.
Hisoki always encourages other Jakutians to be involved in finding sight, though he hasn’t been able to convince many so far. Though he is very determined, and he hopes future generations can find sight as well.
so... the stars: Hideaki & Hibiki
“Finding sight” is something that Hisoki made up, or more specifically, his star friends made up. After finding them he has become even more open to new ideas and possibilities, and often asks them for advice, even if it may not end in his favor. He also relies on them to see most of the time, since he is still very sensitive to light. Even if Jakutians have evolved to have eyes, they seemed to have evolved to be incredibly sensitive to any type of light, even soft candle light. Think of Hisoki’s stars as “seeing eye stars”, and they help him find his way throughout his little lab that he’s created.
With the help of his star friends Hisoki had created a little hut (which he calls a lab, though it’s not nearly as fancy as you think), where he does all of his light research.
As great if a discovery as light is to Jakuta, it still seems quite harmful to sensitive Jakutian eyes, though Hisoki’s star friends help him with getting around his hut and other places, they also help train him to get used to light, progressively getting brighter and brighter as time goes on.
They also help teach Hisoki phrases. Like colors, shapes, and different kinds of light. He makes sure to take notes on everything he learns, in order to gather more evidence that his father can understand. As much as he fights with his father, he still loves him, and wants him to see too.