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Andrew has been Fen's crush ever since grade school. Fen could never get around on why, though. Well, Andrew has been Fen's best and only friend for his whole life now. Andrew is outgoing and doesn't shy away on making new friends, and he was rather popular when he was in school, so Fen was even more surprised that he was best friends with the popular kid. Andrew has always been a huge part of Fen's life because Fen trusts him like no other. Even though Fen trusts Andrew and loves him with a passion, he can't bring himself to show Andrew any of his ideas. Andrew, however, has gotten close many times before, since he knows how much of a crush Fen has on him. Fen hopes that maybe someday, they could become a little more than friends...?

Andrew - best friend
Pine - work assistant
Angel - kit friend

For a while, Fen has had to have an office job so he could sustain a stable way of living, and he needed an assistant so that he could communicate with the other office members, and this is when Pine comes into play. Fen has to give Pine a little bit out of each of his paychecks for her doing the extra work, but Pine doesn't really seem to mind being the assistant. Just like Fen, Pine has a hard time being social and making friends, but being Fen's assistant has opened her eyes a little bit, as well as it opened Fen's. Fen is quite fond of Pine and does try to talk to her often, though stuttering is usually an issue, so they communicate through notes and emails most of the time. Neither of them seems to mind this system since they both prefer it anyway.

When Fen was 14 years old, he found little Angel lost in the woods by his house. Not having the heart to leave him alone, he helped Angel eventually find his two brothers who were looking for him as well. Along the way, Angel and Fen became extremely great friends despite the age difference between them. Now Fen and Angel don't seem to talk much anymore, but the occasional email and letter are sent back and forth to check up on each other.

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