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Ever since he was a small kit, Fen has always had the dream of becoming a writer. He has always loved books ever since he learned to read, and he collects them too. He would always go around telling everyone that he was going to be a storybook writer when he grew up, but his parents actually had other plans for him. They never saw any of Fen's ideas, but they knew he had great ones, so they thought that it would be better for Fen to become a business man, to sell his ideas so they would be seen all over the world.


Fen, however, didn't actually like this plan. He hated it. He could never understand why his parents wouldn't just let him do what he wanted to do. His parents would take him to these social events so he could practice meeting people and public speaking. Fen absolutely hated this, so whenever he was taken to meet someone new, he would pretend he was shy. He would stutter a lot, so much so that his parents wouldn't continue to make him try and speak. This was Fen's go-to plan to ruin his parents' plans for him. Fen had always loved his parents, though. He never hated them, he just hated their ideas. Over time, Fen's habits of being shy around new people started to become something normal that he does. He would even act shy around his parents, though he would never mean to. Fen wouldn't talk to kids at school, people at the social events, and eventually, he wouldn't even talk to his parents. His parents began to worry about him, but he would never tell them why he became like this. And it's not a fact that he won't, it's now a fact that he can't.


Fen's first years a school were online school. He didn't have much social interaction with peers, and since his shyness became a bad habit, he didn't mind all too much. When third grade came around, his parents made him go to public school so that he could make friends and not be so isolated. Once again, Fen hated this, but he couldn't stop his parents from deciding otherwise since he could barely speak to them. The first day of third grade came around, and Fen was ignoring everyone. He ignored the teachers, the students, and he even ignored the work that he was given. He was going to ignore everything that came his way, in hopes that his parents would change their minds, but then, he met a very friendly kalon by the name of Andrew. Fen was cautious of Andrew at first, but soon he and Andrew became great friends. By the end of fifth grade, Fen realized that he had a big crush on Andrew, but he decided that he wouldn't tell him, not because he didn't want to tell him, but because he couldn't tell him.


Things continued to be normal in his life, until at the age of 14, he was walking in the woods, and met a kit. The kit said his name was Angel, and that he was lost, and he needed help finding his brothers. Fen agreed to help the kit, though Fen actually wasn't too eager to help out. At this point in his life, he didn't want to let anyone else in. He was perfectly fine with Andrew being his only friend. It was a hard and long journey, but both of the kalons managed to find Angel's brothers. To Fen's surprise, he was quite sad to see the kalons go, though he still has contact with Angel and his family. The journey helped Fen realize that it's okay to let some kalons into your life and that it's okay to help out a kalon in need. Fen has always wished that he could express his gratitude to Angel for teaching him this lesson, but he could never find the words.


As soon as Fen was old enough to move out, he did as soon as he could, but he needed a job to help get him settled with his sudden new life. Throughout his life, Fen has never listened to any of his parents' suggestions since they told him he shouldn't become a writer, but he admitted that they were right and that he needed a job to get himself started, so his parents got him a regular old office job. It's slow, boring, and it requires Fen to talk to people. Being extremely shy, and not knowing what exactly to do, Fen actually hired someone who worked in the same department to be his assistant. The assistant he chose was Pine. Both Fen and Pine were super scared around each other, but as the hours got longer, they were able to talk more and become friends. Pine didn't mind being the assistant on top of her job since she loved hanging out with Fen. At first, Fen didn't actually feel any certain way towards Pine, but after a long time, he had grown attached to her. Fen appreciated her greatly, but he was never able to find the words to tell her.


It was time for Fen to say goodbye to his work and Pine, because he now, at the age of 21, is a successful non-fiction writer. He was able to publish his book called Adventures in DragonLand, and it didn't quite win an award, but it gave him enough money to live without his office job. Fen now hangs out with Andrew regularly, and still sends occasional emails to Angel and Pine. Fen has come out of his shell ever so slightly now, and he plans on trying his best to improve his way of life. He has learned that he shouldn't be so closed off to the world, and he also learned that he needs to apologize to his parents, though he just can't seem to find the words.


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