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In Depth Personality


Fen has always had a busy schedule. Going to school, home, soccer practice, and work, as always been a struggle for a lot of people, except Fen. He has always been organized and he has always known what his schedule is supposed to be. He always planned ahead, and sometimes, maybe too far ahead. If he feels like his life is about to go out of balance, he won't stop until he feels comfortable again. Just like being balanced, Fen also is always prepared. He would never go anywhere without feeling like he has everything that he needs for the said activity. Fen has never not been satisfied with any of his plans, and he always carries a planner with him when he is expecting he needs to do anything. Some people say that he can be over prepared, and sometimes they're right, but that never really influenced Fen, since it helps him just fine. He would always go to his teachers and coaches to ask when a game was going to happen and against who, and when a pop quiz or a test would be taking place. He would always be prepared, and he wouldn't have a lot of stress.




Fen has always been very protective of his things. In his room, he has a giant bookshelf that covers the entirety of one of his walls. On that bookshelf are tens and tens of story books, sketchbooks, and journals. Fen logs everything that happens in his life, and he doesn't like to let everyone else look at what he draws or writes, and he especially doesn't like anyone to look at his story books, which are for his eyes only. Fen spends all of his free time in his room, and he doesn't let either of his parents in. When he goes out, he always brings a storybook to read, a sketchbook to sketch his characters in, and a journal to jot down his ideas for future books, which these books are in his bag that he never takes off, unless it's a soccer game. Fen doesn't even let his dearest friends near any of his books. He finds that if his privacy is kept to himself for the time being, then it's a huge surprise when he finally shows it to the world. You don't even want to know what happens if you try to get a hold of one of Fen's books because according to him, it's a huge mistake on your part.




His giant bookshelf may seem like a mess, and the way he always runs around you would think that Fen doesn't have things under control, you would be wrong. Fen always has things under control because he is very organized. Though Fen doesn't keep organized for other people. He has his own way of keeping track of things, whether it's scribbling it in a planner, or if it's talking to himself. Fen's things always look like they're in a huge mess, but Fen actually knows where everything is because only he understands. This way of organizing makes Fen protective as well since he doesn't want to show anyone his secret way of keeping on top of things. He also believes privacy should be kept when you are planning your own events.




Fen has never really been a social person. He also hasn't really been up for team events, though the one thing he does enjoy is playing soccer with his school, other than that, Fen really doesn't care for socializing. When he was forced to socialize with his parents, he would always make things incredibly awkward for himself, and he would never try to. He would always try to speak up when he was younger, but his voice is quiet and sweet, it was hard for anyone to take him seriously, let alone even hear him in the first place. It's always been hard for Fen to actually get out of the house recently because he doesn't normally see the reason to. Being extremely shy has also helped Fen. He has a knack of becoming super nervous when he is asked about his ways, and he always stutters when he speaks to anyone, even his parents, so it is hard to understand him sometimes. Even though he usually doesn't talk much, Fen has a wide vocabulary which he includes whenever he writes anything.




For big decisions, Fen really isn't the good person to go to. He becomes extremely nervous and he usually faints when you ask him to make a big choice. Fen suffers from anxiety, so making big choices can make him spiral down into a big hole, which is why he's always hesitant to make a choice. He will always stop short when making a choice, and sometimes he won't ever get enough courage to say it, even around his parents. He would always need time or himself to decide on what choice he should make and to get the courage to say it. Fen also has a hard time trying to do anything in front of people. He always needs a minute to think of what he's going to say, even if it's just a simple question like what his name is. Fen's parents have always pressured him into becoming a business man, and becoming a business man requires you to stand up in front of a lot of people. Over time Fen has grown a disliking to speaking in front of people, making him incredibly shy and... hesitant to say anything to anyone at all. He mostly became like this to upset his parents into letting him to what he wants, but it had evolved into a habit, and now Fen can't get himself out.

Personality Summary (tl;dr)

Fen is a very organized and balanced person. He has his own collection of books on his huge bookshelf, which he always keeps track of in his own way. To some people, his mess may look like just a mess, but it is actually a very organized way that only Fen can see. Fen is very protective of his things and doesn't let anyone near them, not even his parents. He doesn't like the fact that some people are so persistent to see his private work. He believes that privacy is the best policy. Keeping his things a secret isn't really that hard for Fen because he is incredibly shy. He stutters, so much so that it's sometimes hard to understand him. Fen doesn't get out much, and he's always icolated. Fen is also very hesitant, and usually has trouble trying to say something to anyone, even if it is his own name. Fen wasn't always hesitant like this, but since his parents were extremely pressuring, Fen evolved a habit of not being able to say what he means, and he can't get himself out.

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